My Trainings & Work

Monday, July 22, 2024

Limiting Beliefs


A great time for getting rid of everything that doesn't serve us, including our limiting beliefs, is the Full Moon.

Here's a ritual you can perform:

Don't wait until the full moon (on August 19th, 2024 currently) to begin your energetic clearing and cleansing exercises—initiate them in advance to fully harness the powerful energy it brings to begin your energetic clearing and cleansing exercises—start now, and here’s why. This upcoming full moon is a supermoon, a blue moon, and it's in Aquarius. It invites you to think outside the box, encouraging fresh ideas and possibly even a new reality. However, to make space for the new, you need to let go of the old.

Here’s a ritual to help with this process:

  1. Gather Your Tools: You’ll need a pen, paper, and a candle. Optional crystals include anything in pyramid shapes; if you don’t have one, a cluster will work too.

  2. Prepare Your Page: At the top left of your paper, write the word "Currently." In the middle, write "Pivoting Towards," and on the right, write "Full Alignment."

  3. Set Your Intention: Before moving forward, ensure you're in a calm and collected state. Take your time with this; don’t rush.

  4. Release the Old: On the left-hand side under "Currently," write down everything you’re ready to pivot from—fears, perfectionism, scarcity, or any limiting beliefs.

  5. Embrace the New: On the right-hand side under "Full Alignment," for each word on the left, write down what you’re pivoting towards—ease, abundance, relaxation, or whatever resonates with you.

  6. Reflect and Add: Over the next few days, don’t hesitate to add more as things come to mind.

  7. Final Act: On the night of the full moon, burn the paper to symbolize releasing the old and embracing the new. Good luck!

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