My Trainings & Work

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Guided Meditation Sample


Take another deep breath in, hold it for a moment, and then gently release. As you exhale, feel your body begin to soften and relax. Allow your breath to become soft and gentle, filling every part of your body—from your belly to your chest, throat, and even your head. With each exhale, you have the opportunity to release and let go of any tension or stress.

Now, start to notice how all the muscles in your body are beginning to relax, warming, and settling into comfort. Find your most comfortable position in this moment, allowing yourself to fully release any remaining tension.

As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine with every inhale, you are drawing in positive energy, filling your body with light and warmth. Inhale love, feeling it expand in your heart, and exhale any lingering regret, letting it dissolve into the air. Inhale abundance, allowing it to flow through your entire being, and exhale scarcity, releasing it completely from your body.

With each breath in, draw in health, feeling it nourish every cell, and as you exhale, let go of any discomfort, allowing it to drift away. Continue this pattern—inhale peace, exhale worry; inhale joy, exhale sadness. Feel your body growing lighter and more at ease with every breath.

Now, as you inhale, bring in a deep sense of gratitude, filling your mind and heart with appreciation for all that you have. Exhale any resentment, judgment, or negative emotions, letting them simply float away. Notice how your breath anchors you in this present moment, bringing you closer to a state of acceptance and inner peace.

Inhale confidence, feeling it strengthen your resolve, and exhale any doubt, letting it disappear completely. With each breath, allow yourself to feel more grounded, more centered, and more aligned with the energy of the Universe.

Imagine with each inhale that you are drawing in light—pure, healing light that flows through every part of your body, soothing and relaxing you. And with each exhale, release any heaviness or darkness, watching it dissolve into the space around you.

As you continue to breathe deeply, notice how all the muscles in your body have fully relaxed, your mind is calm, and your heart is open. You are now in a state of perfect balance, connected to the Earth and the infinite source of the Universe.

Feel the waves of your breath moving through your body, bringing you deeper into this state of relaxation and peace. Inhale acceptance, exhale resistance. Inhale harmony, exhale discord. Allow yourself to become fully immersed in this moment, where you are completely at ease, and all is well.

Take a final deep breath in, filling your entire being with love, light, and peace. As you exhale, let go of any remaining tension, stress, or negativity, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.

When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and at peace. Know that you can return to this state of calm and relaxation whenever you need, simply by focusing on your breath and allowing yourself to let go.

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