My Trainings & Work

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Turn Your Wishes into Reality

This is my e-book from years ago!
You can download it from the link below through in under a minute and start reading it on your computer, Kindle, ipad or any other suitable device. 

(My 2 new books are only in Turkish for the time being.)

Download the book

Here is a peek at what it's all about:


Imagine, as you open your e-book, maybe skip the introductory pages, and come to the first chapter- that is just at this moment - all of a sudden, appears the genie from Aladdin’s Lamp . I’m sure, you remember the cute blue genie from the Disney version of Aladdin, the animated movie, or the same genie of  the Aladdin's Lamp from the 1001 Nights Stories, a Middle-Eastern folk tale.That’s him!
The e-book, then, kind of becomes the mysterious lamp itself. The genie folds his arms, bends his head in a respectful manner and says “your wish is my command”. Don’t think it’s something like “you are granted three wishes, five wishes or so many wishes”. He means to say “I am your servant for "life", anytime you wish to contact me, I’m here for you, and... YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!

If you wish to continue reading, the chapters include
"How will your wishes come true", "Not Asking For & Not Wanting",
"Nothing Is As It Seems", "How To Listen To The Universe" and much more..
Plus, bonus material as Feng Shui Tips and Giving Yourself a Health Boost, Clearing Negativity, Angel Cards, "Where Does Disease Come From"and "Healing Hands and Healing Colors"  I include a sample paragraph from the last two below:


"Just because a problem seems to be physical doesn’t necessarily mean its reason or solution should be physical too. When you see a crying child, wiping his tears is an option, hugging him and telling him everything will be all right is another option. But, finding the reason for his crying and keeping the child from crying by preventing that, is the solution.

In Chinese medicine, emotions are paired with spesific organs; like rage with liver, grief with lungs, fear with kidneys, etc.
Basically, right side of the body represents the male energy-father, brothers, sons- and giving. Left side of the body represents female energy- mother, sisters, daughters- and accepting. You might remember this from right-brain left-brain.

If and when you notice that diabetes results from “not wanting to have the sweet aspects of life”, you find ways to enjoy your life, and your diabetes gets under control. If the emotions you don’t express come back as tiroid problems to you, let them out, express them and feel free.


You don’t need to be a witch doctor to help yourself with a slight headache or car sickness. Learning a few acupuncture points would be all that it takes.
Here are my favorites:

For headache: With the thumb and the index finger of your dominant hand, press the webbed part between the thumb and the index finger of your other hand. You can also substitute hands and do this for both. Helps with headache.

For car sickness: Use pressure on your wrist with your thumb, at the center point measured three fingers from the lines on your wrist. They also sell wristbands with magnets in them for this purpose.

You've already turned your wish of getting rid of that head ache into reality and stopped worrying about that car trip to the mountains.. Right?
I hope you'll have a pleasant time with my book and have a pleasant time with your lives...

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