My Trainings & Work

Friday, March 15, 2024

Forgiving - Claim Your Energy & Power Back In The Here & Now

Meditation To Claim Your Energy & Power Back

Forgiving and releasing the past is essential if we want to create a positive present and future. When we dwell on past hurts—whether it’s things that didn’t work out, wrongs done by others, or disappointments we’ve faced—a part of our energy remains stuck in those moments. This keeps us from accessing the full power of our being, the energy we need to manifest the future we truly desire. Remember, you are not doing a favor for the other person or situation when you forgive, and you are not saying that what happened was okay. You are freeing yourself from the burden of the past and reclaiming your energy, empowering yourself to fully embrace the present and create the life you envision.

Letting Go and Forgiveness Meditation Routine:

This meditation is designed to help you let go of what no longer serves you and make space for something better. As you move through this process, remember that it can be joyful, allowing the anticipation of all the joy that awaits you in your new, open space.

Centering the Self
Take a deep breath. Relax. Let go of anything you've just experienced—any frustrations or negative emotions—and become fully present in this moment.
Find the center of your being. Take another deep breath, counting from 1 to 5 as you inhale and 1 to 5 as you exhale.

Opening the Heart
Now, think of something beautiful—a person you love, a peaceful place in nature, or something that fills you with joy.
As you connect with this feeling, ask your heart, "Who or what do I need to forgive now?"
If you knew the answer, what would you need to release?
Take another deep breath, allowing your heart to give you that answer.
What comes to mind—a word, feeling, person, or symbol? Note it and thank your heart for this insight.

Preparing to Forgive
Now that you know what or whom you need to forgive and release, take another deep breath, again counting 1 to 5 as you inhale and exhale.

Tapping for Release

  • Palm Tapping: Start tapping your palms with a fist. Say the name of the person, event or situation you are releasing. While tapping, say, "I love and accept myself, even if parts of me resist this release. I love and accept myself as I choose to let go, to be free, to be fully me."
    Breathe deeply and notice the shift.

  • Spleen Meridian (Under Left Arm): Massage or tap gently at the end point of the spleen meridian under your left arm. Say, "I love and accept myself, even when I doubt my ability to release and forgive joyfully. I now choose to tap into my self-worth because I deserve a healthy, happy, successful, prosperous, joyful, and peaceful life."
    Breathe and affirm your worthiness.

  • Thumb Tapping: Tap and massage your thumbs together. Name the emotion or situation you’re releasing and say, "I love and accept myself with all my sadness and grief, from the deepest level and from the very first time I felt it. I now choose to step into my power of joy and release."
    Breathe deeply and feel the shift toward joy.

  • Collarbone Tapping: Tap under your collarbones to activate your courage. Say, "I love and accept myself with all my fear of change, letting go, humiliation, rejection, or abandonment. I now choose to let go of these fears and step into my courage."
    Breathe deeply and feel courage arise.

  • Liver Tapping (Right Side): Tap or massage your liver. Say, "I love and accept myself with all my anger, rage, jealousy, or resentment. I now choose to release and forgive joyfully."
    Breathe deeply and feel peace settling in.

Cutting Energetic Cords
Visualize an eternity symbol (∞). Place yourself on one side and the person, event or emotion you are releasing on the other.
Imagine cutting the energetic cords that connect you, releasing any karmic attachments.

Place your hand on your crown and then your heart, repeating this movement for crown-heart integration. As you do, say:

  • "I claim my power back, and I give you your power back."
  • "I claim my freedom, and I give you your freedom."
  • "I claim what is mine, and I give you what is yours."

Then, declare: "I forgive you for any pain and suffering you have caused, and I ask forgiveness for any pain I have caused."
Breathe deeply.

Final Release
Visualize the chains or cords shattering to the ground and dissolving in the eternal flame of the Universe.
Imagine all the energy you’ve set free returning to you, and breathe it into the core of your being.
Feel it filling your heart, re-energizing and empowering you. Notice how different you feel now.

Thank yourself for taking this step toward freedom and joy. Know that you are now lighter, freer and ready to embrace the new possibilities that are coming into your life.

Breathe deeply one last time, and when you’re ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this peace with you.

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