My Trainings & Work

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Turn Your Wishes into Reality

This is my e-book from years ago!
It's under construction at the moment. I am upgrading it as I upgrade my life!

The new version will be ready to be downloaded  from soon. 

Here is a peek at what it's all about:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I love this movie! 
I must have watched it more than 10 times; I practically know all the lines by heart. I'm sure you would love it too. Maybe even ponder on the scenes a little.

The opening scene is a master piece; a perfect example for a "Blessing in disguise".


If you believe you can think outside the box, I'm sure you could correct the equation above by changing just one match. If you want to test yourself a litte bit more; here are some questions for you:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Relaxing & Meditative Music

If you find it hard calming your mind, or can't stop thinking & relax, I find soft music very helpful.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tıme for Fun 2 - Turkish Coffee Readings

Turkish coffee is more than just a delicious post-meal treat—it's a cultural ritual that includes a fascinating tradition of fortune-telling through the coffee grounds left at the bottom of the cup. This process is simple yet precise, and it adds an extra layer of meaning to the experience.

Preparing Turkish Coffee: A Simple Yet Artful Process

To prepare Turkish coffee, you will need Turkish coffee grounds, a cezve (a special coffee pot), and room-temperature water. 

The sweetness level is customizable, ranging from no sugar (sade) to extra sweet (şekerli). 

Sweetness Levels

Depending on your preference for sweetness, adjust the sugar as follows:

    • Sade (no sugar): simply the coffee and water.
    • Az Şekerli (low sugar): about half a sugar cube.
    • Orta (medium sweet): one full sugar cube.
    • Şekerli (sweet): two or more sugar cubes.
Pronunciations: Sade (pronounced “sah-dey”), Az Şekerli (pronounced “ahz-sheh-ker-lee”), Orta (“or-tah”), and Şekerli (“sheh-ker-lee”).

Cooking the Coffee

Stir the mixture well before heating to blend the grounds evenly. Place the cezve on low heat and allow it to come to a slow, controlled simmer. As the foam begins to rise, pour a bit of it into your cup—this foam is a prized part of the Turkish coffee experience. Repeat this step twice more, allowing the coffee to rise but not boil over. Finally, pour the coffee into your cup in stages, filling it about one-third each time to keep the foam intact.

With this careful process, you’ll have a rich, flavorful Turkish coffee with a velvety layer of foam on top, an essential aspect of a well-made cup. If the traditional method feels too involved, Turkish coffee makers are available to simplify the process while still preserving much of the flavor and foam.

The Ritual of Coffee Cup Fortune-Telling

After enjoying your coffee, you'll notice a thick residue at the bottom of the cup. This residue is not to be consumed. Instead, you flip the cup upside down and let it cool for 5-10 minutes. You can speed up the cooling by placing a coin or ring on the cup. Once cooled, carefully separate the cup from the saucer. If the cup resists lifting, the owner’s wish might already be granted, making the reading unnecessary. If it lifts easily, you can begin interpreting the patterns left in the coffee grounds.

Interpreting the Symbols

The beauty of Turkish coffee reading lies in personal intuition. The patterns left by the coffee grounds can be interpreted in many ways. For example, you might see a ballerina—one person might interpret this as attending a ballet recital, another might see it as taking ballet lessons, and someone else might think it represents a joyful feeling that makes them want to dance. There are no wrong answers—your intuitive impressions guide the interpretation.

Common symbols and their meanings include:

  • Bird or Fish: Good news (fish may take longer to manifest).
  • Horizontal Lines: Communication.
  • Snake: An enemy or obstacle.
  • Lumps of Coffee: Wealth or gifts—these may represent money, a house, a car, or even a yacht depending on the shape.
  • Flame: A big love or passion.
  • Tree: A long and happy life ahead.
  • Light Bulb: The end of troubles.

How the Fortune-Telling Process Works

Drink the Coffee: After finishing your coffee, leave the residue in the bottom of the cup. It’s important not to drink this thick, dry residue as it can leave an unpleasant taste.

Flip the Cup: Place the saucer on top of the cup and carefully turn it over. Allow the cup to cool for 5-10 minutes. You can place a coin or ring on the top of the cup to speed up the process.

Check the Cooling: Once cooled, separate the cup from the saucer. If the cup resists lifting, the owner’s wish may already be granted. If it lifts easily, shake off any excess grounds, and begin interpreting the shapes you see.

Interpret the Symbols: As you observe the shapes, trust your intuition. For example, if you see a ballerina, one person may see it as attending a ballet recital, while another might interpret it as learning ballet or feeling so happy that they want to dance.

Inside of the cup might look like this

Or like this...

Relax and Enjoy the Moment

Before you start interpreting, it's helpful to relax, as if you're meditating. There are no set rules for interpreting the symbols. Whatever comes to mind is correct. Remember, the purpose of the reading is to have a pleasant time and enjoy the ritual, not to predict the future with certainty. At the end of the day, it’s about connecting, trusting the process, and letting the energy of the moment guide you.

Turkish coffee reading is a delightful and playful tradition. There are no right or wrong interpretations—just let your intuition guide you. Ultimately, it’s a ritual meant for enjoyment, connection, and relaxation. The energy you bring to the experience can be just as significant as any predictions made.

As a conclusion of the Turkish coffee fortune-telling process, it's important to remember that the words we speak hold power—both for ourselves and those around us. I have a personal rule of avoiding any interpretations that might cause unnecessary worry or discomfort. The energy behind our words can influence our reality at a quantum level, and when we speak, we are not just sharing thoughts, we are manifesting them.

With that in mind, focusing on happiness, positivity, and open-hearted interpretations can help guide the reading toward uplifting insights. By concentrating on the good, we invite more good into our lives, and the positive energy we cultivate through the reading can manifest in real and meaningful ways. So, as we reflect on the shapes and symbols left by the coffee grounds, let's remember that the ultimate purpose is to bring joy, clarity, and an optimistic outlook into our lives and the lives of those we connect with.

Trust in the process, let go of any fear, and embrace the magic of this beautiful tradition. Whatever we manifest through our thoughts and words can create ripples of positivity that spread far beyond the cup. Enjoy the ritual, embrace the fun, and may the journey of fortune-telling guide you toward more happiness, abundance, and love.