My Trainings & Work

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Turn Your Wishes into Reality

This is my e-book from years ago!
It's under construction at the moment. I am upgrading it as I upgrade my life!

The new version will be ready to be downloaded  from soon. 

Here is a peek at what it's all about:


Imagine, as you open this e-book, perhaps skipping the introductory pages and diving straight into the first chapter. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the genie from Aladdin’s Lamp appears! Whether you remember the charming blue genie from Disney’s Aladdin or the original genie from the 1001 Nights tales, there he is, larger than life.

In this moment, the e-book transforms into the magical lamp itself. The genie, arms crossed and head bowed respectfully, says, "Your wish is my command." But don’t think this is a simple “three wishes” deal. No, this genie is different. He promises, "I am your servant for life. Anytime you wish to contact me, I’m here for you, and... YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!"

If you’re curious to continue reading, the chapters include:

  • "How Will Your Wishes Come True?"
  • "Not Asking For & Not Wanting"
  • "Nothing Is As It Seems"
  • "How to Listen to the Universe"
    and much more.

Plus, bonus material like Feng Shui TipsGiving Yourself a Health BoostClearing Negativity, and Angel Cards. You’ll also find insights on topics like "Where Does Disease Come From?" and "Healing Hands and Healing Colors." Below, I’ve included a sample paragraph from those two sections:


"Just because a problem seems physical doesn’t necessarily mean the cause or solution is physical too. Imagine a crying child. You could wipe away the tears, or you could hug the child and say everything will be all right. But to truly solve the issue, you need to find out why the child is crying and address that cause.

In Chinese medicine, emotions are closely linked to specific organs—anger with the liver, grief with the lungs, fear with the kidneys, and so on. The right side of the body represents masculine energy (father, brothers, sons) and giving, while the left side represents feminine energy (mother, sisters, daughters) and receiving. You might remember this from the right-brain, left-brain connection.

For example, diabetes can result from ‘not wanting to enjoy the sweet aspects of life.’ When you start savoring life’s sweetness, you may find your diabetes improving. If unexpressed emotions manifest as thyroid issues, letting those feelings out could bring you relief."


You don’t need to be a healer to help yourself with minor discomforts like headaches or motion sickness. Learning a few key acupressure points can make all the difference. Here are a couple of my favorites:

For headaches, press the webbed area between your thumb and index finger using the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand. You can switch hands and do this for both. It can provide quick relief.

For motion sickness, use your thumb to press the center of your wrist, three fingers away from the wrist line. You’ll find wristbands with built-in magnets specifically designed for this point.

With just these simple techniques, you've turned your wish of relieving that headache or calming that uneasy car ride into reality!

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