My Trainings & Work

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sleep & Our Dreams

To understand why we sleep and why we dream, it helps to start with the basic purpose of these states. Sleep is vital for restoring both the mind and body, playing a crucial role in memory consolidation, emotional regulation, immune support and cellular repair. Dreaming, particularly during REM sleep, is thought to be part of this process, potentially helping the brain sort through emotions, process recent experiences, and, intriguingly, explore scenarios that stretch beyond our waking reality.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Access to Being You


Manifestation requires action. While intention and visualization are crucial, tangible steps are necessary to realize your goals. This is where the practice of Access Consciousness Questions can be highly beneficial.

(For deeper insight, you can request a private session or attend an Access class.)

These questions help you tap into your inner wisdom and open up possibilities you might not have considered. Start by asking yourself, "What would it take for me to achieve this goal with joy and ease?" This question not only focuses your mind on the desired outcome but also emphasizes a positive and effortless path to achieving it.

Empowering questions could start with phrases like "What would it take...?" or "How does it get any better than this?" These questions bypass the mind's tendency to seek conclusions and instead, invite you to tap into a realm of infinite possibilities. Below are some classical Access Consciousness Questions:

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Choice & Obstacles


In this guided meditation, we explore the choices we've made and the obstacles we encountered along our journey. 

By grounding ourselves in the present and connecting with our inner wisdom, we release past fears and doubts, inviting clarity and empowerment. 

As we do so, our perspective shifts, allowing us to see obstacles as opportunities for growth, helping us break through limitations and align with our highest potential.

Let's Do This - Perfect Posture & Mood