My Trainings & Work

Thursday, July 20, 2023

About the 21-Day Upgrading Our Lives Program

This year (2023) as of my birthday, numerologically I will be entering my year of closures. This inspired me to hurry up and launch what I have been working on for years now. 

Probably in September or October this fall my 21-Day Upgrading Our Lives Program will be ready.  

(This program has already taken place, but it's in Turkish. Probably in early 2025, my 21-Day Upgrading Our Lives Program will be ready in English too. If you'd like, you can watch the videos with subtitles while you wait for the English version.)

I will be sharing 10 minutes of videos supported each day.

If you are wondering what the program will be like:
Everything that I have saved for the last 20 plus years that would add joy, ease and fun to our lives; that would clear all our limiting beliefs and energies; that would ease our access to infinite means, possibilities and opportunities; anything and everything that will joyfully upgrade our lives, I will share. (You can check out the modalities and my certificates from this link: Modalities & Trainings )

As Sadhguru, my favorite humanitarian says: Don't work hard, work joyfully.

And that's what we will be doing. 

Why don't we also do a test-drive? 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Questions or Possibilities?


If I were an educator, I would expect the students to give me questions instead of answers. I would give them a paragraph and ask "What would you ask about this?". Answers already exist in real life. Anything and everything is Googleable, plus now there's the AI. So...

What questions you ask says a lot about you and also opens new doors for you. Always.

My favorite exam question was from a make-up exam four students needed to take because they said they'd had a flat tyre and couldn't be on time for the actual exam. It was a one question make-up and the question was: "Which tyre?"

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Music For Meditation

When you want to relax and calm down, when you think it would be nice to have some music, I recommend listening to these pieces of music at a low volume to help you get into a meditative state: Bamboo Flute is short, Merlin's Magic is about an hour long, Relaxing Music is even longer and  has beautiful scenery. Choose accordingly.

Bamboo Flute

Relaxing Music

Sunday, July 2, 2023

A Memory to Manifestation Meditation

 Another one I've created while I was in vacation.

(I've practiced Karma Cleansing daily in this serene sea. The shimmering blue waters were instrumental, helping me visualize a calming blue light on my throat area. I believe this serene imagery could also benefit you.)

                                                     Inner Peace Ritual

Use them if you feel like it. Create your own version and use that if you prefer. 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Right Brain Left Brain Dominance

 An interesting test to help you understand whether you predominantly use your right brain or left brain:

Dancing Ballerina

If you want to have a little fun, try saying the colors you see in the text below in order.